Lorraine and Trish talk to Britpop star Louise Wener about reforming her band, Sleeper, in her fifties, how style and sex appeal evolve and why you’re never too old to wear leopard print.
The best-selling author joins Trish & Lorraine to chat about midlife mayhem, family, divorce, dating & sex as well as how to push past rejection and move forwards in life without resentment. She also shares a new trick she’s discovered to beat stress.
Lorraine & Trish find out how their 'food selves' are affecting their midlife relationships with Dr Andrea Oskis, whose new book ‘The Kitchen Shrink: What Our Food Reveals About Our Relationships’ explains the powerful impact of food on our emotional lives.
The Dragon’s Den star gives her straight talking advice for building a business, making ideas a reality and giving yourself ‘BHAGS’ (that’s big, hairy, audacious goals!). Find outthe mindset shift she used to beat imposter syndrome, the health scare that kick started a love of running & dramatic weight loss as well as her parenting non-negotiables.